
Archive for agosto 1, 2011

Non siete affatto obbligati a pensarla come noi….anzi…

Un Picasso da Christie’s il 29 aprile 2010.

Stan Honda | AFP | Getty Images
A man stands beside Pablo Picasso’s “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust”, 1932, on display April 29, 2010 at Christie’s in New York.

Le Banche non te ne danno? Puoi sempre impegnare il tuo Picasso.

L’attività  bancaria si manifesta con un’ondata di nuovi esuberi a causa dei margini,sempre più ridotti.

HSBC (Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Co) ieri erano diecimila,oggi parlano di 30mila esuberi.

Cosa mi viene da pensare?

Che la BCE ha tirato su 2 volte di un pelo, i tassi,le banche hanno prestato quindi a valori più elevati,ma non si sono ricoperte di denaro,forse.

La BCE vista la crisi in corso,se ne sbatte dell’inflazione e fa retromarcia. E ribassa i tassi.

Chiamiamolo: stimolo… per indebitarsi,anche per andare in spiaggia.

Le banche si ricoprono a costo inferiore e saltano fuori i margini.

Il dollaro sale di valore e scende l’euro.

Corsa a chi vale meno… tra le due monete?

Perché no? Tutto è possibile.

O la mia è solo fanta-finanza?

Per intanto guardate, traducendolo, quel che succede in giro..per avere liquidità.

Scusate,abbiamo il traduttore..stanco.



Banks Not Lending? You Can Always Pawn Your Picasso

By: Peter Guest
Web Producer,

As UK banks fall behind on lending to small businesses and individuals, more consumers and enterprises are looking for alternative sources of capital. One such source, Borro, hopes to reinvent the ancient business of pawnbroking.


Speaking to in his office on Chancery Lane in the City of London, Borrofounder and CEO Paul Aitken reeled off a list of recent loan deals: “What have we got going on this week? We’ve got a 50-grand ($82,000) loan against a yacht, 75,000 (pounds) against a classic Aston Martin; a Picasso that was bought in 1989. We did some Andy Warhols the other week.

“Four and a half grand on a Rolex – needed the money while he’s going through a divorce. An art dealer closed a loan for five grand this week. That’s the guy that’s coming back with the Picasso. Someone who borrowed 20 grand against a Jaguar–that closed yesterday. That was for something to do with his business. We get a lot of small business owners that need liquidity,” he said.

Borro is, according to Aitken, an attempt to legitimize the business of pawnbroking, an industry that suffers from deep cultural associations with the grey economy and the exploitation of individuals in desperate economic circumstances.



Launching – as Borro did, in 2008, on the cusp of a deep recession that the UK is still struggling to emerge from – leaves it open to accusations that it too is taking advantage of economic stress. Non-bank consumer and business lending services, such as Wonga and Ferratum, have been increasingly visible over the past few years. Borro differs, in that its lending is asset-backed, but has also found a lucrative space in the vacuum left by the banks.


“I think that it’s fair to say it’s been a good time for us to launch the business on that basis,” Aitken said.


However, he added, the service is more mainstream than might be expected. The average loan size is around 2,500 pounds and default rates are between 10 and 12 percent. The typical customer, he said, is a small business owner who needs liquidity quickly.


“We have a lot of retailers with seasonal patterns, they have money in stock and they need to release capital,” he said. “We’ve had a guy who runs a firework business. He was one of our first customers in September 2008 and he always comes back. He gets a loan in September and pays it back in January.”


In June, the company lent more than 2 million pounds. As a sign of its increasing legitimacy, it is seeing more and more deals referred through independent financial advisers and private wealth managers, with clients taking out loans on expensive watches, cars and art to finance other investments.”I won’t deny that we have customers for whom it is lender of last resort and distressed lending, but the majority of people who come to us are not desperate,” Aitken said. “If you’ve got a Rolex, are you desperate?”


Borro employs a team of valuation experts, headed by former Bonhams and Christies valuer Samantha Lilley, who assesses the assets to be used as security. In the event of a default, Borro sells the assets at auction.


The company’s board includes Mark Blandford, founder of online bookmaker Sportingbet – another industry that Aitken said has been legitimized by its move online – as well as Paul Gratton, co-founder of Egg, the online bank acquired by Prudential in 2006. Its investors include early-stage backers of Groupon and Linkedin.


Like those businesses, Aitken believes that Borro could come to define its field.


“I think we are category-defining, and we’re at the point where things could really scale,” he said.



Current DateTime: 03:12:44 01 Aug 2011
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Like the founders of online lenders Wonga and Ferratum, which have grown online on the back of their proprietary technology, Aitken does not come from a lending background. After working for RM, an IT supply company, and technology retailer DSG, he founded Movota, which built systems to allow mobile phones to interact with televisions.


“It was probably a few years too early, nowadays it would fly,” he said. Nevertheless, the business was sold to Bertelsmann in 2005 and Aitken, after some time out, started looking for new opportunities. The inspiration for Borro came one night in 2008.


“I had come back from the States…and that night I recorded a load of films on Sky+, because I was just going to chill out the next day, because the weather was crap,” Aitken said.


“One of the films I recorded was the Pawnbroker, starring Rod Steiger, from 1965, which I’ve still never seen. And I woke up in the middle of the night with the idea of online pawnbroking. I went up to my office at the top of the house, wrote it down, got up the next morning, went online and found that no one was doing it.”


Like Steiger’s lead character, who meets a horrible fate in the classic film, Aitken intends to take his business to the US, hopefully within the next nine months. He will, no doubt, be hoping for a happier ending.

© 2011



Li rivedrete ancora… col binocolo…

Il Generale Conrad dell’Imperial Regio Esercito Austro-Ungarico nel 15-18


Conrad ha visto se si è già svegliato il signorino…?


Sì Altezza,ma quello ha uno stile di vita tutto suo…è già ai pennelli..scusi ai fornelli.. volevo dire.



Dipinge di notte..che è buio…e dorme di giorno che c’è luce..

cosa ce ne faremo di un tipo simile nella vita?


Gi Modesto


che sta rielaborando i seguenti bozzetti.

Accettasi prenotazioni con anticipo in mano…


Gli altri col cavolo che ve li faccio vedere…poi me li copiano!

E’ un corso..lui è al tavolino in fondo.. sotto la luna.

Ci rivediamo a quadro terminato.

Ragazzi non è questione di hai bisogno..te lo devi.. mettere in tasca..

ma almeno salvare un pò la faccia..non vi pare?

L’ho copiato anch’io…



Anda.. Lucia..ebraica in tour.

A sinistra il genio del canto flamenco,Camaron de la Isla,con l’altrettanto genio della chitarra flamenca,Paco de Lucia

Lo spagnolo parlato nel sud di Spagna,el Andalùz, pare al brasiliano rispetto al non ditelo ad un offenderebbe e neppure ad uno spagnolo.

Uniamo all’invito per il viaggio un piccolo repertorio artistico,tra i migliori esistenti al mondo:

Yo solo quiero caminar
como corre la lluvia en el cristal
como camina el río hacia la mar…

Paco de Lucia e C.

cliccate su:



Camaròn de la Isla,recentemente scomparso.

cliccate su:


……….Sentieri di Sefarad…………..


Tour di 8 giorni dal 24 al 31 ottobre 2011


 Cari amici,

innanzi tutto desideriamo ringraziarvi per l’interesse che dimostrate per il viaggio che stiamo organizzando nella Spagna ebraica.

Vi ricordiamo che, per ragioni organizzative, chi volesse partecipare dovrebbe farci pervenire la sua iscrizione entro la fine di agosto.

Per quanto riguarda il versamento dell’acconto, questo potrà essere effettuato anche nelle settimane successive.

Vi informiamo inoltre che giovedì 1 settembre sarà fissato un incontro aperto a tutti gli interessati, anche a chi ancora non avesse deciso, in cui presenteremo il viaggio e vi daremo tutte le informazioni necessarie.

In quell’occasione e nei giorni successivi, ma non oltre il 15 settembre, sarà ancora possibile raccogliere eventuali adesioni.

Nelle prossime settimane, vi sarà comunicato il luogo e l’ora in cui si terrà l’incontro.

Nel ringraziarvi per la vostra attenzione, vi porgiamo un caro Shalom.

                                              Silvana Brusamolino

                                              Roberta Ruth Cerruto

Per informazioni: Silvana Brusamolino: – cell. 3406107584

                        Roberta Ruth Cerruto: – cell. 3335710532


Il programma l’abbiamo già publicato su L’Usignolo  del 11 luglio.

Vado io.. a farmi rimborsare i soldi spesi dagli antenati per la casa…a forza di manana..e poi manana…son passati oltre 500 anni..


Paco de Lucia: